This section is dedicated to the Lowlife, Scammers, and Credit Card thieves. Customers are ONLY put on this list if they cannot be reached or unwilling to cooperate. People work hard for their money and credit card stealing low-lifes are stealing from them. This hurts us as a business and hurts our good customers. This causes business to require I.D. and you are scared to death to take a check anymore. (Which we DON'T do). So if you are angry because we will not ship to a address other than your billing or we will not accept a personal check from you just be angry with the LOWLIFE, THIEVING, STEALING DEADBEATS of this world.
Sergio Cardenas 7301 NW 56th Street Miami FL 33166 561-927-4017 Orders Tires. They Ship. 1 Month Later Disputes Transaction. We lost $428.00